Thursday, March 29, 2012

Its been a while....

Hey guys,
Sorry its been so long since I've written.  Final papers took over a couple weeks ago--I did finish them all just in time, however it wasn't without lack of sleep and lack of working out.  Then I went on spring break to St. Maarten.  It was gorgeous and I had a great time, however, I only worked out 4 of my days there, which considering the environment, I thought was impressive.  I should be clear though--my workouts were nowhere near as intense as my workouts here.  The longest I ran for was about 30 minutes and the longest I biked for was about 30 minutes.  I wish I could say I had more motivation but the Caribbean sun is a powerful deterrent.

Anyway, since I've been back, I've also been slacking on my workouts.  It seems my inability to wake up earlier than 8am is really getting in the way of things.  I'd love to say I could workout at night but after my long, long days its really hard to not just fall into bed at 8pm.

Essentially, I'm thinking of pushing my triathlon date back to the end of July.  The Philadelphia Triathlon seems great but its really expensive and I found one in Riverhead (which is where my uncle lives) that costs about $60 less.  Its still an Olympic distance tri and this way will give me more time to train.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on my workouts....


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